Yes, I will!

By submitting your contact details, you confirm your binding participation in the workshop in Italy from

September 10th to 12th, 2024

We will then send you an invoice for the agreed amount.


Privacy Policy / Data Usage:

When using the contact form, the data will be stored with "DFischerWeddings." The storage is necessary to process inquiries, for example, to respond to them, to handle any potential contract conclusion, or to ask follow-up questions.

The processing of the entered data is carried out exclusively based on this consent (Art. 6 GDPR), which is given by using the following contact form. This consent can be revoked at any time. A simple email to is sufficient. The data processing carried out up until the revocation remains lawful.

The data entered in the contact form will remain with "DFischerWeddings" until a request for deletion is made, the consent to store it is revoked, or the purpose for data storage no longer applies. Mandatory statutory provisions – particularly retention periods – remain unaffected.